Waneta Expansion Project providing benefits to the region
2012 Socio-economic monitoring report released

Aerial view of the construction of the Waneta Expansion Project with powerhouse work underway – February, 2013
Partners in the Waneta Expansion Project - Fortis Inc., Columbia Power Corporation and Columbia Basin Trust – are pleased to release the 2012 socio-economic monitoring report, which indicates significant employment and economic benefits to the region.
This $900 million project near the existing Waneta Dam has an independent contractor monitoring the social and economic impacts in the local area. The contractor works with the Community Impact Management Committee to ensure the quarterly and annual public reports are available and relevant to communities.
“The owners and Community Impact Management Committee members are pleased the project continues to provide positive impacts to our local communities,” said Audrey Repin, spokesperson for the Waneta Expansion Project. “The report shows significant employment and economic benefits as a result of our commitment to local hiring and regional spending.”
To view the full 2012 report visit columbiapower.org.
Highlights of the report include
- 91,842 person days (equivalent of one person working an eight hour day) of employment;
- Employment income totaled over $23.4 million;
- 76 per cent of the workforce resided within 100 km of the project;
- 9 per cent of the workforce declared themselves as a part of an equity group (female, person with disability and/or visible minority) and 5 per cent of the workforce came from an aboriginal ancestry; and
- Significant opportunities for labourers, carpenters, heavy construction workers, ironworkers, boilermakers and office/technical staff.
Local expenditures:
- $53 million was allocated to local businesses for the purchases of goods and services, bringing the total to $125 million.
- No major safety incidents.
Planning is underway for a public community day celebration which will be held at the construction site this year.
The Waneta Expansion Project is a partnership between Fortis Inc., Columbia Power Corporation, and Columbia Basin Trust. For more information please visit the website.