Waneta expansion project accepting applications for environmental conservation and restoration

Jenny Wallace searching in typical nighthawk habitat for nest sites in Fort Shepherd.
Partners in the Waneta Expansion Project—Fortis Inc., Columbia Power Corporation and Columbia Basin Trust—through the Waneta Terrestrial Compensation Program (WTCP), have provided funding to five local projects and are now accepting applications for 2013.
This program provides up to $50,000 annually to projects in the Waneta area that promote conservation and restoration through research, physical works and other on-the-ground or applied projects.
“The Waneta Expansion Project is focused on a high standard of environmental protection,” said Audrey Repin, spokesperson for the project. ”The Waneta Terrestrial Compensation Program provides an opportunity for organizations to undertake projects which benefit our natural environment.”
As one of the five recipients of funding from the WTCP in 2012, Seepanee Ecological Consulting is providing cutting-edge nighthawk monitoring research in the Fort Shepherd area, across the Columbia River from the Waneta Expansion Project. These agile insectivores, are active mostly at dusk and dawn, and are highly cryptic, making monitoring very difficult. With the help of funding through this program, Seepanee is hoping to build on existing data regarding these birds regionally and publish their findings scientifically in the future.
“These birds have been assessed federally as a species of special concern,” said Doris Hausleitner of Seepanee Ecological Consulting. “Yet, to our knowledge, there is no data out there describing the habitat needs for these birds during nesting. We hope to change that with this research.”
Eligible projects include research, habitat creation (restoration, rehabilitation), habitat protection, species inventories, educational program, development of management plans, weed control and land acquisition.
Applications are now being accepted for next year’s Waneta Terrestrial Compensation Program. The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2013. Visit columbiapower.org for more information.
Interested in learning more about the construction of the Waneta Expansion Project? Planning is underway for a public community day celebration at the construction site in 2013.