Vine Madder new ED at KRIC

New executive director of KRIC, Vine Madder.
Cranbrook’s Vine Madder is the executive director of the Kootenay Rockies Innovation Council (KRIC). She has a background in publishing and graphic design, including publishing the arts magazine called COHERE Culture/Cranbrook magazine.
According to her Linkedin profile, she states, “My specialties lie in design, administration, and communications. Give me spaces, publications, programs, people, or financials, and I can see the patterns that lead to efficient workflow, personal satisfaction, and fuel for passions.”
Past executive directors of KRIC were Larry Sparks of Golden and Sheelagh England also of Golden. KRIC is the sister organization to Kootenay Association of Science and Technology (KAST) based in Rossland.
Dedicated to fostering a culture of innovation as well as the development of science and technology in the East Kootenay, the Kootenay Rockies Innovation Council (KRIC) is a non profit society that provides programming and events targeted at businesses, communities and students/educators involved in science, technology and innovation.