Valhalla Consulting Services

Presenter profile: Grant Sutherland – Valhalla Consulting Services
Grant Sutherland, CEO of Valhalla Consulting Services, is a participant in the Kootenay I-Tech Trade Show being held May 25 (Nelson) and 26 (Cranbrook), 2011, and his company will have a booth in both the Nelson and Cranbrook shows.
Sutherland said his booth will highlight the leading software and hardware available through Valhalla Consulting. The company will also spotlight cloud technology from Microsoft and Rackforce. Sutherland said this technology is designed to run infrastructure in a "cloud"—meaning that businesses, instead of using physical infrastructure, will be able to log on and access their company's databases and information from anywhere.
Read the full article here.
Register today for the Kootenay I-Tech at 1-800-663-8555 ask for Nikki.