Train engine restoration project shaping up nicely

Fabrite Services employees and Sunrise Rotary member Carl Casey busy at work on the Alco restoration project.
The ambition project of refurbishing the heritage CPR train engine is shaping up nicely. Much of the metal restoration and priming has taken place and the paint crews are getting ready to move in. The train sits on the north end of the Canadian Museum of Rail Travel property, adjacent to downtown and next to the Elko heritage train station. The goal is to restore the engine to its original exterior condition and provide a welcoming showpiece for the museum.
The Alco project is being spearheaded by the Sunrise Rotary Club and has been supported by numerous local groups including the Rotary Club, Columbia Basin Trust, the Cranbrook Downtown Business association and many other individual businesses and area residents. The fundraising goal is $60,000.
The goal is refinish the exterior of the Alco Diesel engine and maintain its historic value to enhance the City's entranceway and embrace the City's railroad legacy. Restoration will include removal of the panels, sandblasting, cutting and fitting new panels, prime the entire engine body, mask and painting the body, replace the glass, paint the undercarriage and weed the roadbed.
If you are interested in contributing to this project contact the Sunrise Rotary Club 250 421 1523.