Trail chamber announces new executive director, Norm Casler

The board of directors of the Trail Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the recruitment of Norm Casler as the new executive director for the chamber.
Norm was raised in Trail and after a number of years out of the region, returned two years ago with his wife, Jayme. He brings to the position many years of not-for-profit experience, most notably seven years as executive director of the Maple Ridge Jazz & Blues Festival – which was one of B.C.’s premier music fests.
“I loved my time with the Festival Society but it’s time for a new challenge and to have that challenge back here at home with the Trail chamber is fantastic,” said Casler.
His background also includes public relations, community promotions and event planning through his role with media organizations, specifically Rock 101 and CFOX in the Lower Mainland. And Norm is an able and willing community volunteer wherever he lives.
The chamber’s strategic priorities continue to focus on pursing profile building opportunities along with improving and expanding services and support to our members and partners such as the City of Trail and Teck Metals.
The board is excited about Norm’s eagerness to carry on driving these priorities.
Norm is already on the job so please feel free to call or drop into the chamber office.