The Elk Valley Critical Incident Response team to hold group intervention course

The Elk Valley Critical Incident Response team will be holding a group intervention course, February 18 and 19, 2012.The course will be held at the Fernie High School.
The cost is $150 per person, which includes workbook, certificate, lunch and snacks. Registration is limited to 30 people and a non-refundable $50 deposit is to be submitted by January 16, 2012.
Registration with deposit can be dropped off at the Women’s Resource Centre at 1592 - 10th Avenue, Fernie (phone 250-423-4687) or dropped off at K. Bottolfson’s, 2021 Alder, Box 761, Elkford (phone 250-865-2675.)
This course will begin equipping you with information that will help you if you are dealing with people who are struggling with a traumatic situation. The Elk Valley Critical Incident Team also invites you to consider becoming a member of the Critical Incident Response Team.