Tembec excited about the Chinese market

Tembec representative Troy Hromadnik told a sold-out crowd at a recent Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce luncheon that the company is working hard and is excited about developing the lumber market in China.
“China is an emerging market when it comes to lumber. Many of China’s 1.2 billion citizens are located in major cities along the coast. The government is developing infrastructure in the interior of China, which includes developing new residential areas. These developments will continue to spur growth of China’s demand for Canadian forest products and Tembec is nicely positioned to take advantage of this emerging market,” said Troy Hromadnik.
Tembec sees the Chinese market as a major growth opportunity, offsetting the decline in the American housing market. Tembec is an integrated forest company and employs almost 1,000 people in the East Kootenay.