Teck Trail snapshot - #2 in a series

Richard Deane, manager of energy & public affairs with Teck Metals. — Tanya Laing Gahr photo
Teck Trail is launching two new major projects, and public hearings are underway right now to gather community input. The first project is the $210 million No. 4 Furnace Project. It will take two years to construct and will add 20 to 25 employees to the operation. It will be designed mainly to produce black copper.
In addition, the new furnace will produce high quality heat in the form of steam, which could be used to drive a turbine to produce power. Possible applications could be the heating of local government buildings in the Trail area.
The other major project is the Acid Plant Renewal. This is a projected $215 million project that would see the existing acid plant totally refurbished and modernized.