Teck Coal offers public consultation on Elk Valley Water Quality Plan

— Photo courtesy Teck Coal.
Teck is working with communities, First Nations and governments to create an Elk Valley Water Quality Plan that will maintain the health of the watershed and ensure continued, sustainable mining in the Elk Valley.
The process to develop the Elk Valley Water Quality Plan includes three phases of public consultation, the second of which is taking place April 9 – 30. This consultation will discuss aquatic health; short- medium- and long-term approaches for addressing water quality; and how communities and the public would like to be kept up-to-date on the implementation of the plan, once it is approved.
Input received during consultation will be considered, along with technical and socioeconomic information, in the development or refinement of the Elk Valley Water Quality Plan, prior to its submission to the B.C. Ministry of Environment for approval.
Members of the public can participate in this phase of public consultation by completing an Online Feedback Form; sending a written submission [email protected]; or by attending an open house in their community.
Each open house runs from 5-8 p.m., with a presentation and discussion beginning at 6 p.m.:
· Fernie, April 22, Fernie Seniors Drop-in Centre
· Elkford, April 23, Elkford Community Conference Centre
· Sparwood, April 24, Sparwood Senior Citizens’ Drop-in Centre
For more information and a detailed Discussion Guide.