Six new members join CBT’s Youth Advisory Committee

New and old YAC members meet for orientation and September meeting in Golden.
CBT welcomed six new members to its Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) this past weekend in Golden. YAC members are motivated and involved youths aged 15-29 who provide advice on youth-related grants and events at CBT.
"Engagement and leadership are two key areas of CBT's recently finalized 2011-2016 Youth Strategic Plan," said Wayne Lundeberg, CBT, Director Youth Initiatives. "The YAC is an important means for CBT to engage with Basin youth and through their participation they are able to build their own skills as leaders."
Prospective YAC members go through an application process and are selected to volunteer on the committee by the previous year's committee members. The commitment to serve on the YAC is a minimum one-year term. This commitment involves a weekend meeting every two months and review of all Columbia Basin Youth Grant applications. This is a task unique to this CBT advisory committee and was specifically given to the group to further promote the active engagement of youth in regional decision-making processes.
"One of the reasons I wanted to join the YAC is because volunteering and giving back to my community is important to me," said new Cranbrook member Jane Rolandi. "The next step from volunteering is to make action happen, and I believe the YAC provides that opportunity."
"Returning to the YAC for a second year is exciting for me because I feel empowered by taking part in making change happen in my community and the Basin," said returning Cranbrook member Miranda de Groot. "It is great to have my opinions heard and respected." YAC members are also often asked to become involved in a number of CBT and community events and youth forums, special projects and website moderating.
Welcome to the new members: Jaya Ducharme (Winlaw), Sierra Franklin (Canal Flats), Tessa Jackson (Nelson), Blake Nicol (Nelson), Jane Rolandi (Cranbrook) and, Taryn Walker (Revelstoke). Returning members are: Laura Archer (Golden), Miranda de Groot (Cranbrook), Matt Fontes (Castlegar), Zeb Hansell (Fruitvale), Zachary McClean (Golden) and Kyler Perepolkin (South Slocan).
CBT works with youth and communities to increase youth opportunities and engagement through enhancing capacity, leadership and participation. CBT funds youth developed projects through the Community Directed Youth Funds (CDYF) and Columbia Basin Youth Grants (CBYG) programs and provides a forum for youth in the Columbia Basin to share their art, ideas and experiences with each other through SCRATCH magazine and October deadlines are approaching for CDYF and CBYG. Visit for more details.
CBT delivers economic, social and environmental benefits to the residents of the Columbia Basin. To find out more about the YAC visit, or email [email protected] or call 1.800.505.8998.