Shawn Tomlin to be new CAO at RDEK
The transition to the new CAO is slated to take place in May 2016.

Shawn Tomlin, current Chief Financial Officer at RDEK, will be taking over the position of Chief Administrative Officer, currently held by Lee-Ann Crane, once she retires later this year. — Photo courtesy RDEK
It has been announced that upon Regional District of the East Kootenay (RDEK) Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Lee-Ann Crane’s retirement later in 2016 that Shawn Tomlin, the current Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at the RDEK will step into the position of CAO.
Shawn Tomlin has been the CFO at the RDEK for the last decade.
The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) at for the Regional District of East Kootenay provides leadership and support to both the staff and the Board of Directors.
Shawn Tomlin will be responsible for coordinating the work of staff and ensuring the Board's Strategic Priorities are carried out and is the primary advisor to the Board of Directors, assists them with public policy and ensures they have the information, resources and tools they require to make informed decisions on behalf of the electorate.
The RDEK had a capital budget of $6.94 million in 2015. The regional government authority collected $29.5 million in revenue through taxes, grants, fees and transfers in 2015.
The transition to the new CAO is slated to take place in May 2016.