Send us your input on CBT’s proposed environmental focus

Since spring 2013, Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) has been engaging with Basin residents and organizations to help renew its water and environmental strategic plans. CBT is now asking for feedback on the culmination of that input—the draft 2014—2019 Environmental Strategic Plan.
Once finalized, the plan will guide how CBT supports activities to strengthen the Basin’s collective ability to address current and future environmental priorities. The draft plan sets goals in five areas: water, ecosystems, climate change, environmental education and enhancing the capacities of environment-focused organizations.
“Thank you to everyone who has joined the discussion; your ideas are helping to shape the Trust’s environmental focus for the next five years,” said Neil Muth, CBT President and CEO. “We now seek your help again to finalize the plan—do you feel supportive of this plan, what will this plan mean to you in your community?”
To help shape the goals, objectives and activities in the draft plan, CBT sought out a range of perspectives. Residents participated in workshops and meetings across the Basin, and in a Basin-wide online survey process called Thoughtstream. CBT also consulted with environmental experts and a range of organizations, plus reviewed technical documents that identify environmental challenges in the Basin, and strategic plans from other Basin organizations doing environmental work.
Read the draft plan and provide your input by emailing by noon on Thursday, January 9, 2014.