Robots duke it out at Selkirk College this Saturday

Nelson BC—Frasier vs. Ali, Tyson vs. Holyfield, Edward vs. Jacob… all epic battles, but none of them can hold a candle to the robot vs. robot competition of the Nelson Tech Club (NTC) RoboGames 2013, being held this Saturday December 14th at the Selkirk College Tenth Street Campus, Mary Hall Building.
Robots are awesome… No surprise there. Machines battling one another for robosupremacy right here in our own backyard? Now that’s cool!
Throughout the fall, youth, adults, teams and schools have been living, learning and loving robotics in anticipation of the big event. All members of the public (including robots) are welcome to come on out and experience the battle at NTC RoboGames 2013 with free admission.
The Nelson Tech Club (NTC) was founded in 2010 and has regular weekly attendance of 15—40 Hackerspace Participants. Every week, technology enthusiasts of all abilities (Hackers, Makers & anyone with an interest) meet at the NTC Hackerspace and share resources and ideas through the clubs motto: Build, Learn, Share. The NTC Hackerspace is located at the "Annex Building' on Fell Street, Selkirk College Tenth Street campus.
Nelson Tech Club (NTC) members have been playing the roles of mentor, teacher and “guys with cool stuff” over the past several months and their protégés are now ready to put their knowledge into action in a battle for the ages. Current entries so far include: Multiple Lego Mindstorms NXT & EV3 creations, Arduino rovers and robots, Custom R/C controlled devices and winners from previous NTC preliminary events and more.
Sponsored by KAST, GLOWS, Selkirk, Fortis BC, NSERC and Gaia Services NTC RoboGames 2013 will be making a return for its second year on Saturday, December 14th in Mary Hall at the Selkirk College Tenth Street Campus in Nelson. The event starts at 9am and entry is free. For more information or to get involved visit the Nelson Tech Club or email NTC President, Brad Pommen.
Event Details:
NTC RoboGames 2013, Selkirk Tenth Street, Mary Hall Building - Saturday, December 14 (9am 2pm)
9:00 am Competitor Registration & Setup
10:00 am Robot Show & Shine
11:00 am Special Trick Competition
11:30 am Robot Demonstrations
12:30 pm Robot Battles
1:30 pm Award Presentations