Revelstoke High School ranks highest in Kootenay/Columbia Region: Fraser Institute report on schools
The Vancouver-based Fraser Institute publishes their report card on BC’s schools every year.

The Fraser Institute has released their report card on B.C.'s schools - Revelstoke Secondary High School has ranked highest in the Kootenay/Columbia district. — Photo courtesy School District #19 Revelstoke
Every year the Vancouver-based Fraser Institute publishes their report card on BC’s schools. As the Fraser Institute explains, “The Report Card on British Columbia’s Schools 2016 collects a variety of relevant, objective indicators of school performance into one, easily accessible public document so that anyone can analyze and compare the performance of individual schools. By doing so, the Report Card assists parents when they choose a school for their children and encourages and assists all those seeking to improve their schools.”
How did Kootenay/Columbia high schools fair in the survey rankings? Here are the latest results from the 2014/15 report: (Provincial ranking in brackets)
1. Revelstoke Secondary High School – Revelstoke (40/294)
Grade 12 Enrollment - 76 Graduation rate – 98.6% Ranking (out of 10) 7.7
2. Selkirk Secondary High School – Kimberley (65/294)
Grade 12 Enrollment - 87 Graduation rate – 98.6% Ranking (out of 10) 7.2
3. Mount Baker Secondary High – Cranbrook (96/294)
Grade 12 Enrollment - 303 Graduation rate – 99.2% Ranking (out of 10) 6.8
4. Grand Forks Secondary High School – Grand Forks (96/294)
Grade 12 Enrollment - 65 Graduation rate – 98.4% Ranking (out of 10) 6.8
5. David Thompson Secondary High School – Invermere (106/294)
Grade 12 Enrollment - 83 Graduation rate – 92.2% Ranking (out of 10) 6.6
6. J. Lloyd Crowe Secondary High School – Trail (106/294)
Grade 12 Enrollment - 184 Graduation rate – 98.3% Ranking (out of 10) 6.6
7. L.V. Rogers Secondary High School – Nelson (129/294)
Grade 12 Enrollment - 182 Graduation rate – 91% Ranking (out of 10) 6.3
8. Fernie Secondary High School – Fernie (136/294)
Grade 12 Enrollment - 57 Graduation rate – 98.1% Ranking (out of 10) 6.2
9. Stanley Humphries Secondary High School – Castlegar (191/294)
Grade 12 Enrollment - 115 Graduation rate – 97.9% Ranking (out of 10) 5.4
10. Golden Secondary High School – Golden (223/294)
Grade 12 Enrollment - 82 Graduation rate – 93.7% Ranking (out of 10) 5.0
11. Sparwood Secondary High School – Sparwood (236/294)
Grade 12 Enrollment - 38 Graduation rate – 97% Ranking (out of 10) 4.7
12. Mount Sentinel Secondary High School – South Slocan (250/294)
Grade 12 Enrollment - 62 Graduation rate – 93.8% Ranking (out of 10) 4.2
13. Prince Charles Secondary High School – Creston (260/294)
Grade 12 Enrollment - 104 Graduation rate – 91.2% Ranking (out of 10) 3.9
14. J.V. Humphries Secondary High School –Kaslo (280/294)
Grade 12 Enrollment - 16 Graduation rate – 100% Ranking (out of 10) 2.8
15. Naksup Secondary High School –Nakusp (283/294)
Grade 12 Enrollment - 21 Graduation rate – 89.5% Ranking (out of 10) 2.4