Regional Innovation Chair retires and new chair appointed in West Kootenay

Photo of George Penfold

Effective June 30, 2011, George Penfold retired from the position of Regional Innovation Chair (RIC) in Rural Economic Development at Selkirk College. George is now residing in Comox, B.C.

RIC program goals include...

a) Work with organizations in the Kootenay & Boundary region to improve decisions on matters related to economic development by providing relevant research data and analysis, and related training, skills and organizational development.

b) Assist in diversification of the regional economy through promotion of innovation and technology transfer in existing and new enterprises and initiatives.

c) Support and participate in provincial and national networks that undertake research on the revitalization of rural communities and regions.

The new Regional Innovation Chair is Terri MacDonald, and RIC-related correspondence can be sent to her via email and other contact info is as follows:

Regional Innovation Research Chair for Rural Economic Development
Selkirk College
301 Frank Beinder Way
Castlegar, B.C.,  Canada
V1N 4L3
Phone: (250) 365-1434
Fax: (250) 365-1260
e-mail: [email protected]

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