Record attendance at the 2011 Career and Job Fair

Marie Kinghorn, with the Certified General Accountants Association of B.C., provides career information to one of hundreds of students that attended the College of the Rockies Career and Job Fair on Thursday, March 10, 2011. — Trevor Crawley photo
With a record attendance of 996 people, the College of the Rockies Career and Job Fair was a tremendous success. The event, held on Thursday, March 10th, saw over 200 people in attendance for the Chamber of Commerce luncheon. Keynote speaker Rick Jensen motivated the crowd with an excellent presentation about looking beyond the past and creating a positive future.
The Career and Job Fair also saw a tremendous variety of Kootenay employers and educational facilities participating, with over 35 company display booths on hand.
"The most common comment was that the event was way busier than previous years," said Keith Powell, publisher of Kootenay Business. "We had a tremendous turn-out from the high schools and the college itself—thanks to the teachers and instructors. Plus there were many job seekers from the community who visited the Career and Job Fair as well."
The event is the biggest career and job fair in the East Kootenay and is organized by Kootenay Business magazine, College of the Rockies and Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce.