RDI partners with AKBLG to host aging in the Kootenays learning event
The learning event will feature a keynote presentation from BC Seniors’ Advocate, and discussions and presentations.

Gary Jackman, Director of Regional District of Central Kootenay. — Photo courtesy selkirk.ca
The Association of Kootenay-Boundary Local Governments (AKBLG) is partnering with the Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute (RDI) to host a learning event focused on regional demographic shifts relating to our region’s aging population. These shifts will create new challenges and opportunities for our region. The event will bring local government, education, health and seniors advocacy leaders together to learn more about emerging opportunities and innovative solutions relevant to our region.
“Our region has a larger share of seniors than the provincial average with 20% of our population over the age of 65 compared to the provincial average of 16%. It is projected that seniors will comprise 29% of our population by 2041. It is important that our region understand the challenges and opportunities this demographic shift will cause, including a projected total of 23,500 job openings due to retirement by 2022. That represents 80.4% of job openings over the next 7 years.” highlights Regional Innovation Chair Dr. Terri MacDonald. “How can we work together to ensure these job opportunities are harnessed and the knowledge is effectively passed along to the next generation? How can we best structure our health care services and infrastructure to ensure our seniors can age in place?”

Regional Innovation Chair, Dr. Terri MacDonald. — Photo courtesy selkirk.ca
The learning event will feature a keynote presentation from BC Seniors’ Advocate, presentations exploring demographics and related implications, why we choose to live/stay here, health service implications and emerging policy issues, and economic development impacts. The event will conclude with an innovative solutions panel and discussion of next steps for our region.
“The challenge of an aging demographic is not unique in rural regions,” says MacDonald. The recently released State of Rural Canada report states, “population aging and the recruitment of a ‘next generation’ workforce together require investments that build robust new development foundations.” “The needs of our residents are important to local governments. And needs change as people age. AKBLG is taking action to educate our members about these issues and is leading the way to explore collaborative solutions for rural areas,” says Deb Kozak, Chair of the Association of Kootenay Boundary Local Governments and Mayor of Nelson.
Join us for a learning event that is sure to motivate some interesting dialogue. Event is October 7, 2015, 9:30-3:30 pm at the Warfield Community Hall. Register before October 5th by calling 250.365.1208 or emailing [email protected]. Registration fee is $75 (includes lunch).