Pharmasave Cranbrook opens second location

A brand new Pharmasave store owned and operated by Cranbrook businessman Andrew Rutledge opened last month.
The recently opened Baker Street Professional and Medical Centre in Cranbrook saw a new tenant open its doors last month with a second Pharmasave store opening.
The new professional and medical development houses the Fisher Peak Family Practice and the F.W. Green Clinic and now is home to a brand new Pharmasave store owned and operated by Cranbrook businessman Andrew Rutledge.
Rutledge also owns the downtown Pharmasave in Cranbrook.
In the near future Susanne Thompson owner of Kootenay Therapy will open her re-located physiotherapy clinic in the Baker Street Professional Centre as well.
New Dawn Developments of Cranbrook has been spearheading the renovations and the overall re-development of the professional Centre.