Norm MacDonald tops Kootenay MLA compensation at $173K
by Keith Powell

The B.C. government has just released a new list of Legislative Assembly Members’ Compensation for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2011.
Interesting to see what Kootenay MLAs are making. MLA Norm MacDonald of Golden tops out the list for Kootenay MLAs at $173,754.
- Norm MacDonald (Columbia River-Revelstoke) $173,754 $101,859 salary + $19,418 living allowance + $41,482 travel expenses + $10,995 Opposition Chair = $173,753
- Katrine Conroy (Kootenay West) $168,065 $101,859 salary + $14,696 living allowance + $38,562 travel expenses + $12,948 Opposition Whip = $168,065
- Michelle Mungall (Nelson- Creston) $151,952 $101,859 salary + $14,851 living allowance + $35,242 travel expenses = $151,952
- Bill Bennett (Kootenay East) $115,685 $101,859 salary + $4,333 living allowance + $9,493 travel expenses = $115,685