New publisher onboard at Kootenay News Advertiser

Karen Johnston, publisher of the Cranbrook Townsman, the daily newspaper in Cranbrook, has taken over the role of publisher of the Kootenay News Advertiser, a twice weekly shopper.
Former publisher of the Advertiser, Darcy Wiebe, left the paper earlier in the summer. Regional publisher, Chuck Bennett of Nelson, took over the reins of the Kootenay News Advertiser during the interim.
Karen Johnston started as sales manager at the Cranbrook Townsman over five years ago and then became the publisher of the daily paper.
Both newspapers are owned and operated by Black Press, based out of Victoria, B.C.
Black Press also owns and publishes the majority of papers in the region including the Cranbrook Townsman, Kimberley Bulletin, Kootenay News Advertiser, Invermere Echo and Columbia Valley Pioneer (jointly operated), Creston Advance, Fernie Free Press, Golden Star, Revelstoke Review, Nelson Star, Castlegar News, Trail Times and Grand Fork Gazette.