New mobile-friendly website launched

BC Transit launched its new and improved website.
BC Transit launched its new and improved, to give its 1.6 million customers in 130 communities across British Columbia easier and convenient access to online transit information.
“This new website makes it even easier for BC Transit to connect with its customers,” said Todd Stone, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. “Last year in 130 communities, more than 51 million trips were taken on transit, and improved technology makes transit an even more attractive transportation alternative.”
“We are pleased to launch the new website today after giving our stakeholders, partners and customers the last two months to test drive the site in development,” said Manuel Achadinha, President and CEO of BC Transit. “Thank you to everyone who gave us feedback during the preview period. With this public input, we are confident the website meets our customers’ expectations and can grow with our business in the future.”
The new-look website replaces graphics and a content management system that were more than 12 years old. It offers several customer service enhancements, including:
· Easy to view on mobile devices (responsive design)
· Automatic location recognition directing riders to their local BC Transit system
· Better access to schedule data
· Customer alerts
· Ability to subscribe to email alerts for specific bus routes (via email)
· Convenient trip planning for most of our larger transit systems
During the course of the project, BC Transit invited ideas from a stakeholder advisory group that represented key customers, accessibility advocates, operating partners, employees and local and provincial governments. The development team also considered survey input from more than 1,800 post-secondary students and received more than 250 surveys from customers with suggestions for improvements during the two-month preview.
The new site, built to Website Content Accessibility Guidelines “AA” standards, provides a solid foundation for BC Transit to keep growing and improving its online communications presence. This site is the first part of a three-part online communications upgrade which includes the development of an extranet for operating partners and an intranet for employees.
Customers are invited to provide feedback and complete an online survey. A video highlighting new features is available here.