New Executive Director at KAST: Don Freschi
Don’s focus will be to connect with partners and stakeholders and to develop and implement a strategy for KAST.

Don Freschi, Executive Director at KAST. — Photo courtesy KAST
The Board of Directors along with all of the staff here at the Kootenay Association of Science & Technology (KAST) are very pleased to announce that Don Freschi has been engaged as Executive Director.
Don has been KAST’s lead business coach or Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR) for our Venture Acceleration Program business coaching program (VAP) since that program’s introduction in 2013. As co-founder/CEO of Firebird Technologies, Don helped bring millions of R&D dollars to the region, managed a shareholder exit, developed a new product for international markets, and increased sales from $3-9 million over 2 years.
Don has 20+ years experience in high tech manufacturing, operations, P&L management, sales/marketing, technology development and strategic planning and recently co-founded a new venture, Fenix Advanced Materials, anchor tenant at the Metallurgical Industrial Development Acceleration & Studies (MIDAS) facility in Trail. Don owns and stars in Sport Fishing on the Fly.
Don’s focus in the coming months will be to connect with partners and stakeholders as well as to develop and implement a strategic plan for KAST. Don will be working in a part-time capacity while he continues to operate his other business interests.
Please join us in welcoming Don to his new role with KAST.