New college president addresses Chamber of Commerce

David Walls, new College of the Rockies president, was the guest speaker at a recent Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce luncheon. — Photo by Marie Milner, Kootenay Business magazine.
New College of the Rockies president, David Walls, was the guest speaker at a recent Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce luncheon held at the Prestige Inn in Cranbrook.
It was the first opportunity for the new College president to address the Cranbrook business community. David Walls replaced Nick Rubidge who retired in 2013.
Here are some highlights from his presentation....
- College of the Rockies currently has 2,138 full-time equivalent students
- In 2012/13 142 international students from 34 countries were enrolled at the College.
- In 2012 the College employed 249 full-time, part-time and seasonal regular employees and 601 non-regular employees.
- The College injects $133.8 million in income every year into the local economy through the annual activities of the College itself and cumulative effects of its current and past students.
- This 133.8 million represents 4.3% of total income in the regional economy
- There are 1,700 students involved in advanced education at the College.
- 100 students in foundation trades.
- 338 students in apprenticeship training.
The College president also spoke about contract training they do within the region and internationally, including a program in Kenya (healthcare) and Columbia (mining).
The College of the Rockies has campuses in Cranbrook, Creston, Fernie, Golden, Invermere and Kimberley.