Nelson Landing Development well under way

The town homes will go on sale this spring and construction of the 8-plex is slated to begin this July.
The sun is shining and work has begun at the Nelson Landing site as of March 1st this year. It is action stations as big equipment levels the ground in preparation for accepting fill from the Nelson Commons project. First up is the creation of the new vegetated retaining wall in conjunction with construction of the waterfront pathway. The goal is to complete construction of the retaining wall before the lake’s high water mark in June.
This paves the way literally for the first 8-plex of the Nelson Landing Development. Zoning is already in place for the first phase.
Kootenay Forest Products Site and Red Sands Beach: The KFP site that has remained fallow since its closing in 1983 will come to life again at last.
The new walkway from the reclaimed site to Red Sands Beach will be another avenue to experience the natural beauty of Kootenay Lake and its water life. The destination-Red Sands Beach – an untouched natural preserve, will also shift from private ownership to public stewardship.
Nelson Landing’s History: Orchards, Individual Homes, Wood Mill: From past to present the Nelson Landing site has gone from farmland, private dwellings and orchards to a wood mill and now finally a waterfront community. There is a wonderful history surrounding the lands at Nelson Landing and the Bird’s Eye Blog has enjoyed researching and writing about as much of the rich happening as possible over the past year.
8-Plex on Sale this Spring: The town homes will go on sale this spring and construction of the 8-plex is slated to begin this July. This means new town homeowners will be able to move in by late 2015 or early 2016.
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