Nelson entreprenuer nominated for “MOMpreneur” award

Jilly bo Billy Boutique has undergone massive changes and overcome many challenges in 2012. Janet Skolka has expanded her home-based online kids clothing store to a new location, including the addition of a brick and mortar store in Nelson, BC.
"It is so nice to have everything on display, a huge packing area in the back for online orders, and access to high speed internet and postal services", said Skolka. "I don't even know how I did it before. Seems like the days of snowmobiling parcels up and down my driveway, packing on my bed, and running a business off my IPhone are so far away."
But that was less than a year ago. Those are big steps in any business, and others have taken notice. Jilly bo Billy has been nominated for the MOMpreneur Award of Excellence presented by Parent Canada,,, and Children's Education Fund Inc. The winner will be selected from the top 10 finalists, chosen by voters, then those finalists will be judged on track record of success, innovation of business idea, and impact on community. The winner receives $30,000 in cash and prizes to grow her business, including an ad in Parent Canada magazine valued at $6000, $5000 in cash, mentorship with legal adviser of Dragon's Den, and much more opportunities.
You can help this Kootenay business make it to the finals. Voting continues until January 31. You can vote once per day, per email address. Jilly bo Billy realizes this is a big commitment to ask of anyone, so she has set up a contest where each time you vote, you may enter in to win a $500 gift certificate at Jilly bo Billy Boutique. Or visit her facebook page for all the details. Let's show Canada the Kooentays know how to grow the best small businesses around!