Nelson Chamber Awards Business Excellence – Pacific Insight Business of the Year

— Photo courtesy T-Net BC News.
Last month the Nelson Chamber of Commerce held their annual Business Excellence Awards. Tom Thomson of the Chamber explains how the process works.
"For many years the Chamber has acknowledged the Business of the Year. Recently we expanded the format to include a few other categories. The awards recognize businesses and business leaders in Nelson and Area that have achieved excellence in the community through their efforts and initiatives,” said Tom Thomson, executive director of the Nelson Chamber. “We promote the award nominations in local media, and also through a membership survey monkey. Once all of the nominations come in, we have three judges that are not members of the Chamber Board or a Chamber employee, that contact in most cases in person and go through an interview process with the nominees. They have a matrix that they work with, and then get back together and do a final selection process. The recommendations then come back to the Chamber Board, and the winners are contacted in advance of our AGM/Business Excellence Awards where they are presented with the award.”
Here are the winners of the 2014 Nelson Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards.
Nelson and District Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year – Pacific Insight
Retail Excellence (over 40 employees) – Nelson Home Building Centre
Retail Excellence (under 40 employees) – Gerick Cycle and Ski
Hospitality Tourism Excellence – Nelson Tramway Society
Professional Service Excellence – Lakeside Physiotherapy and Sports Injuries Clinic