Nelson basks in the light of great Maclean’s exposure

Ten thousands residents of Nelson, B.C., live on either side of a river, its banks connected by a bridge named Bob, for "big orange bridge," so begins a recent Maclean's magazine profile on Nelson. As part of an advertising sponsored feature from Jeep, the City of Nelson and area received great exposure through a nice five page article and photo feature in the well-read magazine, which bills itself as Canada's National Magazine.
Nelson was selected as one of Canada's Top 10 Places You've Got To See and featured in the April 28th issue. Macleans has a weekly circulation of 321,275 and average 7.2 readers per issue giving the magazine a reach of over 2.5 million Canadians plus another 495,00 unique visitors hit on their website every month.
"Wow! Macleans Magazine certainly did a great job showing off our area with five full pages of editorial and stunning images in their April 28, 2014 edition," said Dianna Ducs, executive director of Nelson/Kootenay Lake Tourism. "The online version was fabulous also with a video that captured some of the classic locations in the Nelson area and portrayed an authentic visitors experience: "It's a magical place. Nelson is family oriented but also outdoorsy, with a sense of community, you just feel it, just feel it. That's the only way I know how to explain it." Thanks Macleans!"
Other Canadian locales of note for 2014 were...
Liard River Hot Springs, BC
Writing-On-Stone, Alberta
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Yellowknife, NWT
See the complete list here.