Nelson Express lives sans newsprint

Welcome to the first edition of the Express Update!
Become one of more than 2,500 people who will be receiving the Express Update. This email will keep you informed about local events and issues. It will also keep you posted on progress toward a future reincarnation of the Express.
The Express Update will remain simple and short, but new elements will be incorporated into it as it develops. Watch for new features, such as links to local stories and event information, as well as links to Express favourites such as "Fish Heads and Flowers," "Good Neighbour," "Read Everywhere," and calendar and classifieds listings.
The Express team is in the process of considering options ranging from print publications, to web-based publications, to event co-ordination. In this and future projects, they remain committed to the priorities and values which grounded the Express newspaper: namely, inclusivity, community-building and providing a forum for the voices and interests of local people.
The mailing list is growing steadily, so if you or someone you know would like to receive updates, please do invite them to join. To receive the Express Update, email [email protected] and mark "mailing list" in the subject line.
What else?
Despite its recent appearance in the Nelson Star, "Fish Heads and Flowers," a column created by the Express, will continue to run in their future projects.
Please continue to use the website, to send in your calendar listings, classified listings, "Fish Heads and Flowers," and "Good Neighbour" submissions.