National Western Region Mine Rescue Competition

The City of Fernie will again proudly host this international competition in September 2011. The purpose of the competition is to promote safety and awareness and to celebrate the work and dedication of those involved in emergency response in the mining industry.
Twenty championship teams from across Western Canada and the northwestern United States will showcase their skills, training and the dedication required of those involved in mine rescue. The teams will compete in either surface or underground mine rescue tasks. Volunteers acting as patients provide drama to the tasks and add a sense of reality to the competition.
This event allows Fernie to showcase its proud mining heritage and is the largest mine rescue competition in Canada.
There are a number of sponsorship opportunities available. There will be no better opportunity to showcase your support for the mining industry.
All sponsors will be given recognition commensurate with their investment. If you wish to show your support for the competition, please contact Sheryl Zral or Cindy Corrigan at 250-423-2233.
For additional information or if or you would like to participate as a volunteer, contact Bruce Milligan at 250-426-1655