Murray Potyok 1951 – 2015

Murray Potyok (right), with BetterBook publisher Keith Powell and his wife, Linda Powell, was a valued member of the BetterBook team.
On Friday, May 1, 2015 Koocanusa Publications’ the BetterBook lost a friend and loyal employee. Murray Potyok was a sales representative for the BetterBook PhoneBook for over 13 years, working with hundreds of clients throughout the East and West Kootenay and Southern Alberta.
Murray was known for his thorough marketing knowledge, ability to connect with his clients and his skill at putting his clients' needs to the forefront. He worked hard on behalf of clients and conducted himself in a professional and respectful manner.
He started with the BetterBook in 2006 for the second time, after spending several years in London, England, with his family. He was also a skilled musician and performed in many bands over the years, where he gathered many musical friends. In addition, he spent much of his time with his family and they were always a primary concern to him – whether it was coaching hockey, checking on school assignments or organizing a family get-together.
Murray was known for his giving and generous spirit. He was always ready to help out others less fortunate than himself. He was well respected by his clients and did a tremendous job representing the BetterBook and Koocanusa Publications over the years.
Koocanusa Publications, on behalf of all our employees and Murray's colleagues, extends our warmest and deepest condolences to Murray’s family and friends. He was a dedicated, conscientious and well-respected employee.
Murray Potyok, you will be missed!