MP Stetski urges public to respond to Canada Revenue Agency’s consultation on service
Interested parties can participate in the Canada Revenue Agency’s online consultation

Canada Revenue Agency is providing an opportunity not only for taxpayers to give them direct feedback, but also asking the public to clarify their expectations for future service and for resolution of systemic issues at the Agency. — Photo courtesy Wayne Stetski
NELSON,B.C.–Wayne Stetski, Member of Parliament for Kootenay-Columbia, wants his constituents to know that the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has launched an online public consultation in the ongoing effort to improve their service to taxpayers. Canada Revenue Agency wants to hear from Canadians.
In 2018, Canada’s Auditor General reported that the CRA treated taxpayers inconsistently, provided them limited access and dismal service standards at call centres. Much of the time calls were blocked and incorrect information was given to callers. A year and a half later the auditor found little improvement.
“Many of the requests for help that my staff receives are Canada Revenue related,” said Stetski. “I encourage Kootenay-Columbia taxpayers to participate in the consultation and share their experiences directly with the CRA.”
Canada Revenue Agency is providing an opportunity not only for taxpayers to give them direct feedback, but also asking the public to clarify their expectations for future service and for resolution of systemic issues at the Agency.
NDP MP Stetski added, “My offices work closely with the Problem Resolution Department at CRA to resolve most constituents’ problems quickly and effectively. Taxpayers should be able to receive a similar level of service through the call centres.”
The consultation period runs until June 18, 2019. Interested parties can participate in the Canada Revenue Agency’s online consultation at
In addition to providing feedback directly to the CRA, dissatisfied taxpayers have the option to contact the Taxpayers’ Ombudsman. The Taxpayers’ Ombudsman works at arm’s length of CRA and offers independent and objective reviews of service-related complaints. For information visit the website or call toll-free 1-866-586-3839.