Minerals South 2013 slated for Cranbrook

The East Kootenay Chamber of Mines (EKCM) is excited to be hosting the 9th annual 2013 Minerals South Conference in Cranbrook. The annual event alternates between the West Kootenay and East Kootenay, with last year’s conference in Nelson. The event will take place this year November 5 to 7 at the Prestige Rocky Mountain Resort and Convention Centre in Cranbrook.
“The Minerals South Conference is always one of the highlights of the year for the East Kootenay Chamber of Mines," said Jason Jacob, president of the EKCM and one of the key organizers of the event. "It will again feature a number of short courses and workshops, a field trip and two days of high-calibre, wide-ranging presentations with a focus on the southern interior of British Columbia. We are really pleased to focus on the world-class geology, mineralization and other unique advantages this part of B.C. offers to the mining community.”
Minerals South is a great place to market your product, services and properties to mineral interests across B.C. and Western Canada. It is designed as an active learning experience with many interactive sessions and insights into the mining exploration potential in the Kootenays.
So whether you are a potential presenter, exhibitor or attendee you are invited to contact the East Kootenay Chamber of Mines and get involved in Minerals South 2013.
Please contact Jason Jacob for more information or visit the website to register.