Meghan Tabor new Tourism Revelstoke marketing manager
Meghan fills the position vacated by long time marketing manager Tom Tischik.

Meghan Tabor, new marketing manager at Tourism Revelstoke and the Revelstoke Accommodation Association. — Photo courtesy Kootenay Business file photo
A familiar name in Revelstoke, Meghan Tabor, has been appointed the new marketing manager at Tourism Revelstoke and the Revelstoke Accommodation Association. Since 2011, Megan has been the marketing coordinator for the Revelstoke Chamber of Commerce.
Meghan fills the position vacated by long time marketing manager Tom Tischik. Tischik moved on to become the Executive Director of Tourism Penticton.
As a representative of the Revelstoke Accommodation Association's Tourism Revelstoke office, Tabor will coordinate a collective marketing voice for tourism-based operations in Revelstoke and promote Revelstoke as vibrant destination. She will work closely with a number of key organizations including the City of Revelstoke, the Revelstoke Chamber of Commerce, Destination BC and Kootenay Rockies Tourism.
Meghan Tabor said in an earlier Kootenay Business magazine interview, “I came here in 2002 (to Revelstoke), when I did a bicycle trip across Canada. It was the first time I’d ever been west of Toronto. I had just graduated high school, and my best friend and I flew bikes out to Vancouver and cycled back. When we biked through Revelstoke, there was something about this place that really sparked an interest in me. It was way before the ski hill or the new influx of tourism, but I remember thinking, ‘I want to live here someday!’ I moved here in 2009. I had an offer for a full-time job in the summer doing forest firefighting. Once I moved here, I knew it was a great place and set down some roots and kept my eye open for different opportunities in town. I started this position (at the Chamber) on the 8th of August—it’s been a bit of a whirlwind but it’s been good.”
We wish Meghan much success in her new position.