McKerracher re-elected Hospital District Chair
The Kootenay East Regional Hospital District Board has elected its Chair and Acting Chair for the coming year.

Kootenay East Regional Hospital District Chair Dean McKerracher (left) has been re-elected Chair for this fifth term, while David Wilks (right) has been elected as Vice Chair. — Photo courtesy Kootenay East Regional Hospital District
The Kootenay East Regional Hospital District Board has elected its Chair and Acting Chair for the coming year.
Elkford Mayor Dean McKerracher has been re-elected Chair for a fifth term. “We have been very successful over the past year in our operations and in developing our facilities and I look to continuing to develop those facilites,” says McKerracher. “We are proud of our relationship with Interior Health and I look forward to continuing to build on that strong foundation.”
One of the projects KERHD has been advocating for is the redevelopment of the oncology, pharmacy, renal and lab areas at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital. “As a board, we have been actively supporting this project. We proactively passed a motion in November 2017 to contribute 40% funding once the project moves forward. We are looking forward to seeing the oncology and pharmacy pieces move forward in 2019 and to seeing a master plan completed for the facility that will include a long term plans for the lab and renal services,” adds McKerracher.
Sparwood Mayor David Wilks has been elected as Acting Chair. “It is great to be back on the Hospital District Board. I am grateful to my fellow directors for their confidence in me and I look forward to the opportunity to serve as Acting Chair in the coming year,” says Wilks.
The Kootenay East Regional Hospital District provides up to 40 percent capital funding for acute care facilities in the region for equipment and facility construction and renovation. The Hospital District extends beyond the boundaries of the RDEK to include the Towns of Golden and Creston, and the portions of the Regional Districts of Central Kootenay and Columbia Shuswap surrounding those municipalities.