Maggie Stayanovich no longer Trail chamber executive director

In what is looking like a somewhat controversial move the Trail Chamber of Commerce has parted ways with executive director Maggie Stayanovich.
In a prepared statement, Trail Chamber of Commerce president, Lisa Gregorini has notified the membership of Maggie Stayanovich's departure. "It is with mixed emotions that the board of directors of the Trail & District Chamber of Commerce announces the departure of Maggie Stayanovich as its executive director. Maggie has made a contribution to the chamber's success over the past two and a half years. At our November board meeting, the directors approved a new strategic plan and the board is now actively recruiting an executive director who will develop and implement the operational side of that plan. In the interim, Thomas Davis will be happy to assist our members and partners,"
Maggie Stayanovich is well-known in BC Chamber of Commerce circles and was nominated as one of Kootenay Business' Most Influential Business Women in the Kootenays in 2012. The Trail chamber is currently looking to implement a new strategic plan developed over the last several months.