Lions Club crafts new washrooms for Wycliffe Regional Park
The new washrooms are wheelchair accessible and expected to last for 40 years.

Members of the Cranbrook Lions are pictured in front of one of the four wheelchair-accessible outhouses they recently constructed for Wycliffe Regional Park. — Photo courtesy RDEK
Wycliffe Regional Park is now more accessible than ever thanks to the hard work of volunteers from the Cranbrook Lions Club who teamed up to build new wheelchair accessible outhouses.
“Having these units allows all residents and visitors the opportunity to enjoy the park and not worry about needing to use the washroom," says Jamie Davies, RDEK Recreation & Control Services Supervisor.
The crew of eight Lions used materials purchased by the RDEK and the old Tembec mill as their workshop. In total, they spent about 40 hours crafting the structures, which are seven feet tall and six feet wide.
Bob Baird, a Cranbrook Lion involved with the project, says the partnership with the RDEK was a perfect fit. “Lions serve, so anything we can do, especially if it doesn’t cost money, we are available for as long as it’s in support of the community."
“This unique partnership will make our Regional Park more accessible, and, as a result, more enjoyable for all users and we are grateful to the Lions for their dedication and craftsmanship," says Davies.
The new outhouses are expected to last for 40 years.