Leading by example: Yasodhara Ashram lightens its ecological footprint

Swami Jyotihananda with one of the two Neighbourhood Electric Vehicles recently purchased by Yasodhara Ashram as part of its Carbon Neutral Program. These E- vehicles are used for local road travel and to transport guests, luggage, supplies etc. at the Ashram.
Kootenay Bay, BC - Yasodhara Ashram is now officially carbon-neutral—the successful culmination of their five-year program to address the global warming crisis.
The Ashram has demonstrated that reducing greenhouse gas emissions is possible in a small B.C. community and it can be done in a way that has inspiring economic and quality of life benefits.
Dr. William Rees, professor emeritus of the University of British Columbia, an internationally acclaimed ecological economist and winner of a 2012 Blue Planet Prize, said of the Ashram achievement, “By striving for carbon neutrality, Yasodhara Ashram shows that communities can take significant steps to address global warming that are neither arduous nor a threat to their economies and lifestyles. Other communities should follow this example as if their lives depended on it—because ultimately they do!”
Starting in 2007, the Ashram began to develop a strategy to be carbon-neutral by 2013, their 50th anniversary.
The Ashram’s Carbon Neutral Program—which included a shift in local food sourcing and menu planning, converting to an integrated geothermal/solar heating and domestic hot water system and shifting to more fuel-efficient vehicles—has led to an 83 per cent reduction in direct emissions. The outstanding emissions are being handled through the purchase of carbon offsets from Pacific Carbon Trust’s portfolio of B.C.-based greenhouse gas reduction projects.
“The Ashram’s achievement of carbon neutrality sets a great example of how steady commitment to a comprehensive plan can significantly reduce our impact on the environment,” said Pacific Carbon Trust CEO Scott MacDonald. “By purchasing B.C.-based offsets from Pacific Carbon Trust, the Ashram is helping support the low-carbon economy—proving that environmental progress and a strong economy can go hand-in-hand.”
At each stage of the program it became apparent that financial benefits were emerging. Arlene Trustham, a volunteer who led the final phases of the program, cited an example, saying “Re-focusing the menus to local and seasonal items not only decreased costs, it also better focused the use of the Ashram’s garden and began to support a complimentary network of local farmers."
Paris Marshall Smith, a director of Ashram Society says, “We embrace the ‘learn by doing’ and ‘lead by example’ concepts.” Both, she added, have personal as well as institutional application. “It is also a practice of satya, which means living truthfully, in ourselves, in our community and on this planet. We simply must lighten our environmental footprint. What we are doing together here at the Ashram is one way that works.”
Michelle Mungall, MLA Nelson-Creston agrees. "The work Yasodhara Ashram has done to become carbon neutral is commendable, and goes to show that these positive steps are possible in rural areas of BC."
Yasodhara Ashram has also been recognized by FortisBC’s 2008 PowerSense Conservation Award, and by Tourism British Columbia with its prestigious Environmentally Responsible Tourism Award in 2009. Reader’s Digest named the Ashram as Canada’s best yoga retreat.