Kootenay Savings pops up on Biggest Corporate Donors in B.C. List

Kootenay Savings Credit Union (KSCU), based in Trail, listed as number 20 on the Biggest Corporate Donors in B.C. List.
The corporate newspaper, Business in Vancouver (BIV), recently published a list of the biggest corporate donors in B.C., and number 20 on the list was the Kootenay Saving Credit Union (KSCU) based in Trail.
According the published list KSCU donated $437,016 in 2011.
Other noteworthy corporate donors with a Kootenay connection included Teck (#2 on the list) $14.5 million in donations; Telus Corporation (#4 on the list) $8.4 million; Jim Pattison Group (#9 on the list) $3.6 million; ICBC (#16 on the list) $1.2 million; and BC Hydro (#17 on the list) $1.04 million.
Kootenay Savings, with corporate offices in Trail, has thirteen branches throughout the East and West Kootenay, over $960 million in assets, 40,000 members and over 270 employees. It also owns insurance and financial management subsidiaries and operates a Community Foundation.