Kootenay i-Tech Trade Show

You are invited to attend the first ever Kootenay i-Tech Trade Show & Luncheon in Nelson, Wednesday May 25th and Cranbrook May 26th.
This showcase and celebration of new technology and innovation in the Kootenays will feature a trade show and luncheon with keynote speaker Amber Hayes of Rossland—the Kootenay’s most virtually connected businesswoman. Hayes will address the subject, Thriving and Surviving at the Speed of Light…with new technologies.
Another speaker is Lyn Blanchard from Creekstone Consulting in Vancouver. A success venture capitalist and author, she will discuss Your Capital Edge—An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Raising Equity Capital.
There will also be informative panel discussions with Kootenay innovators, entrepreneurs and inventors. Plan to attend the Kootenay i-Tech Trade Show & Luncheon.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Prestige Lakeside Resort in Nelson, B.C.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Prestige Inn, Cranbrook, B.C.
Register early and double your chances to win a new Blackberry Playbook—one of the hottest selling new tablets on the market.
To register call Kootenay Business 1-800-663-8555—$25 advance registration—$35 at the door.
For more information visit www.kootenaybiz.com