Kootenay craft breweries capture national brewing awards

At the end of May, the 12th Annual Canadian Brewing Awards presentation was held in Fredericton, New Brunswick. There were 916 beers in 38 categories entered into the 2014 competition from over 130 Canadian breweries. Awards of gold, silver and bronze were given out to the top scoring beers in each category.
The event was organized and hosted by Taps Media, publisher of Taps - the beer magazine. Four Kootenay-base craft breweries came home with awards -- with Fernie Brewing Co. capturing two silver awards and Revelstoke's Mt Begbie won one bronze and Nelson Brewing Co took home a silver.
Fruit Beer
Silver: Pumpkin Head Brown Ale, Fernie Brewing Co. (BC)

Special Honey/Maple Lager or Ale
Silver: Sap Sucker Maple Porter, Fernie Brewing Co. (BC)
Cream Ale
Bronze: Begbie Cream Ale, Mt. Begbie Brewing Co. (BC)
Silver: Harvest Moon Organic Hemp Ale, Nelson Brewing Co. (BC)
Toronto’s Great Lake Brewery was awarded Brewery of the Year and the lower mainland's Old Yale Brewing’s Sasquatch Stout was named Beer of the Year.
Congratulations to all the winners.