Kootenay Business magazine awards three scholarships to college students

Scholarship winners were COTR students Nicholas Johnson, Danielle Elliott and Daniel Marti shown with publisher Keith Powell.
Koocanusa Publications and Kootenay Business magazine publisher Keith Powell, presented three College of the Rockies (COTR) students with a $1,500 scholarship each at a recent Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce luncheon.
The three scholarships went to students Danielle Elliott, Daniel Marti and Nicholas Johnson, all students in the COTR business administration program.
The three scholarships are part of a partnership between the College of the Rockies, the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce and Kootenay Business and annual College of the Rockies Career and Job Fair which is held every spring in the College's gymnasium.
"On behalf of Kootenay Business we are pleased to recognize the achievements of these three recipients scholarships totaling $4,500," said Keith Powell, publisher. "As a result of this initiative and in co-operation with the participating exhibitors at the Career and Job Fair we are very pleased to support COTR students as they start their learning in business administration."
Watch for next spring's College of the Rockies Career and Job Fair in early March 2013.