Heavy medals: Kimberley’s Story & Co. garners national and international recognition

“On our fourth trip up to the podium to receive awards, the audience broke out laughing and applauding. Our work was clearly in a class of its own,” said Matt Thompson, principal at Story & Co.
Story & Co. is a communications firm located near the Rocky Mountains in Kimberley, B.C. The firm recently garnered four bests at the Economic Development Association of Canada‘s Marketing Awards, a national event held this year in Peterborough, Ontario.
The awards presented were for projects Story & Co. undertook for two clients: Boundary Country Tourism and Shuswap Tourism. Their work with Boundary Country collected awards for the Best Brand Identity & Application and Best Tourism Website Design & Development for budgets under $200,000. Story & Co.’s work with the Shuswap accumulated two additional awards for Best Brand Identity & Application, as well as Best Advertising Campaign for budgets under $600,000.
“It’s great to receive recognition, but it’s our client’s that deserve the commendation. It’s their understanding of the value of differentiation and the significance of a great brand and story that enabled us to do exceptional work for them. We don’t create brands and stories out of nothing. We make good stories great, and our clients had some exceptional stories to begin with. We worked together with them, and they deserve high regard and congratulations.”
Story & Co. is an experienced firm with a reputation for completing successful regional and municipal branding and communication projects. Story & Co. has also worked with a number of communities on their strategic communications, including Golden, Revelstoke, Sparwood, Sun Peaks and regions like Boundary Country and the Shuswap.
More awards
In addition to their EDAC awards, Story & Co. also recently received two honours from the 2011 Summit International Creative Awards: a silver award for its Complete Branding Package and a bronze award for theTravel/Tourism Website, both for Shuswap Tourism.
The Summit International Creative Award recognizes and celebrates the creative accomplishments of small- and medium-sized advertising agencies worldwide and other creative groups with annual billings under $30 million. Over 17 years, the Summit competition has established itself as the premier arbiter of creative excellence for firms of this size and has become a coveted honour worth touting. In 2011, the Summit International Creative Awards received thousands of entries from over 22 countries.
Story & Co.’s work was also accorded an Honourable Mention at the Union of British Columbia Municipalities 2011 Convention. The District of Sparwood took home the award for their municipal website, a result of a branding initiative they recently undertook with Story & Co. as the primary contractor.