KAST executive director takes new position with Columbia Basin Trust

There has been a changing of the guard at the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST) as executive director Kelvin Saldern has announced he is leaving for a position at Columbia Basin Trust.
Here is part of the notice Kelvin sent out...
"This is to let you know that I am moving on from KAST. I have accepted another job at the Columbia Basin Trust, as the Southwest Basin community liason starting September 3rd, with my last day at KAST being Friday August 30.
Erin Handy will be taking on the lead role at KAST, so all future communications should be directed to her. If you have worked with Erin at all you will know that she is incredibly competent and that, with our excellent board of directors' support, KAST is in capable hands.
The seven years at KAST have been really wonderful, working with a truly awesome team and board. My thanks go out to all of them for being such superstars."
We wish Kelvin much success at CBT.