Jumbo Glacier Resort received approval

— Keith Powell photo
Grant Costello, senior vice-president of Jumbo Glacier Resort, was the subject of a 2004 Kootenay Business magazine cover story—here is his reaction to the long-coming approval of the resort as told to the Columbia Pioneer newspaper.
Costello reacted emotionally to the decision, and said he is both relieved and excited for what is "just the beginning."
"I'm excited about the opportunity for the community and about the jobs that will be coming here; and good jobs, too, not just the kind of jobs our critics talk about. We know that there are lots of good management jobs, jobs for skilled workers, construction, and lots of new business start-ups. Hopefully we will move forward to stimulate the economy here, because it really needs a shot in the arm."
In response to those who have criticized the government and Glacier Resorts for pushing forward a project which some say has no funding backing it, Mr. Costello said the signing of the master development agreement will now allow them to attract the necessary funding.
"The decision today gives us the security to know that we can attract capital and new investment, whereas before there was just so much uncertainty we couldn't really even open those discussions up".
A delegation of local leaders and Glacier Resorts Ltd. representatives travelled to France in February to meet with France Neige International, an entity specializing in ski hill developments. Representatives from France will be visiting the Columbia Valley in coming weeks, and could potentially become investors in the resort.
To start the first phase of the three-phase approval requires a cash injection of around $50 million, Mr. Costello said. The first phase would include a gondola, a day lodge, a facility at the top of Glacier Dome and some access.
Others, like Mr. Costello, maintain there should always be room for differing opinions.
"Going back to the way people say this community is so divided, I think that the environment isn't the only thing in life. There are other aspects to life: social, cultural, economic, and so on. I would hope that people would be more tolerant of the fact that we have diverse viewpoints in Canada, and that someone should be able to hold their views and not be attacked by intolerant people."
Glacier Resorts Ltd. is willing to work with anyone who has questions or concerns, Mr. Costello added.
"We're prepared to work with whomever to try and explain our views and explain the facts of the matter as we see them, because a lot of the time they have been distorted. We're prepared to work with any group who wants to be reasonable and is tolerant of respectful human interaction. We'd like to move forward"
Source: Columbia Valley Pioneer