Jeff Mowatt’s customer service seminar coming to the Kootenays—Kicking off in Castlegar!

The Castlegar Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that it is sponsoring an informative customer service seminar with Jeff Mowatt in Castlegar on April 10th, 2013. Register now to reserve your seats at early-bird rates. Bonus: Castlegar Chamber members will receive an additional 10% discount. Jeff Mowatt is also visiting other Kootenay communities. Here is the full schedule:
- Creston - April 9
- Castlegar - April 10
- Cranbrook - April 16
- Fernie - April 17
- Golden - May 9
- Invermere - May 10
Boost your Business without Cutting your Prices
Smart business people know that your options to stand out from the competition are limited. Cut prices? Not very profitable. Improve product quality? Certainly, but that can take substantial time and money. The fastest, most cost-effective way to differentiate yourself is to focus on your service. Customer service can no longer be merely average or simply friendly; it needs to be remark-able. Here's your opportunity to make that happen for your team.
Jeff Mowatt's half-day seminar is entitled "The Art of Customer Service: Influence with Ease"
Some people claim that taking customer service to the next level is complex. Jeff Mowatt disagrees. That's why he subtitles his seminar "Influence with Ease". Jeff reveals easy-to-apply tips, tools and phrases that generate significant results including:
- Strengthen customer loyalty
- Increase spending per customer
- Recharge customer service teamwork
Participants learn how to:
- Enhance people's perception of you by 12% by using a two-word phrase more often (hint: it's not please or thank you)
- Prevent customers from defecting just to save a few dollars
- Reduce your customers' buying decisions, and increase purchases seven-fold
- Position your ideas, products and services so that people select higher value options
- Meet and exceed the seven top customer expectations
- Connect with clients at a deeper level by expressing your "grand intention"
- Use the most prevalent shift in buying behaviours to boost your business
- Avoid five common expression's that unwittingly raise skepticism in others
- Tap the "humility advantage" to influence without pushiness
- Convert an upset person into an advocate of your services
- Break bad news to others without creating hard feelings
- Move beyond repeat business to create loyalty (there is a difference)
- Prevent miscommunications that lead to stress and work overload
- Boost communication skills both at work and in your personal life
- Recharge your spirit and brighten your interactions with others
You can register on line at