Island Lake Lodge coffee table book published

What might be considered the ultimate business card, Fernie's Island Lake Lodge has put out a glossy, full-colour, coffee table style book in commemoration of their 25th anniversary.
The book is published by Oolichan Books, a Fernie-based book publishing company owned by ex-mayor Randall McNair.
The 100-page book features the photography of primarily Mark Gallup and Island Lake Lodge manager Mike McPhee. It tells the story of 25 years of mountain adventure in Fernie's Cedar Valley.
The book is called Bears Above the Valley, a History of Catskiing and Snowboarding at Island Lake Lodge.
As the book's flyleaf explains, "The local micro-climate (of Fernie) produces an unusual amount of snow for this part of the Rocky Mountains, adding to the reputation of one of the most legendary backcountry lodges in North America...Island Lake Lodge Catskiing....Explore the history of the unique destination that inspired some the snow industry's leading players (Craig Kelly and Scot Schmidt) in pursuit of backcountry lines, deep powder and big mountain freedom."
Congratulations to everyone at Island Lake Lodge on your 25th anniversary and on publishing a great looking book!
The book is available for $29.95 at local bookstores.