Independent Elementary Schools rank highest in the Kootenay/Columbia
The top elementary school in the region was The Fernie Academy, an independent school.

Fresh faced students from the Fernie Academy, the top ranked elementary school in the Kootenays. — Photo courtesy Fernie Academy
The Report Card on British Columbia’s Elementary Schools is all about comparing schools on the basis of student success, says Vancouver-based Fraser Institute.
Last year alone, about 300,000 parents, teachers, school principals, and others interested in B.C. schools visited the Fraser Institute’s school performance website and did just that.
We were interested in how Kootenay/Columbia elementary schools ranked in the Fraser Institute’s Report Card. Interestingly the top six rankings went to independently operated schools and the top elementary school in the region was the Fernie Academy. Here are the results:
1. Fernie Academy (Independent) — Fernie 9.0
2. Nelson Waldorf School (Independent) — Nelson 8.6
3. St Michael's Elementary (Independent) — Trail 8.2
4. St. Mary’s Catholic (Independent) — Cranbrook 7.3
5. St Joseph School (Independent) — Nelson 7.0
6. CHEK ABC (Independent) — Nelson 6.9
7. J Alfred Laird Elementary — Invermere 6.9
8. Edgewater Elementary — Edgewater 6.9
9. Rossland Elementary — Rossland 6.8
10. Kootenay Orchards Elementary — Cranbrook 6.7
11. Kootenay Christian Academy — Cranbrook 6.7
12. Lady Grey Elementary Golden — 6.7
13. Mormon Hills Elementary Secondary (Independent) — Lister 6.7
14. Nakusp Elementary — Nakusp 6.5
15. Windermere Elementary — Windermere 6.3
16. John A. Hutton Elementary — Grand Forks 6.1
17. James L Webster Elementary — Trail 6.1
18. Glenmerry Elementary — Trail 6.0
19. Columbia Park Elementary — Revelstoke 5.9
20. Steeples Elementary — Cranbrook 5.9
21. Blewett Elementary — Nelson 5.7
22. Fruitvale Elementary — Fruitvale 5.5
23. Brent Kennedy Elementary — Crescent Valley 5.5
24. Jaffray Elem-Jr Secondary — Jaffray 5.4
25. Begbie View Elementary — Revelstoke 5.3
26. Kinnaird Elementary — Castlegar 5.2
27. Frank J Mitchell Elementary — Sparwood 5.1
28. Gordon Terrace Elementary — Cranbrook 5.1
29. Isabella Dicken Elementary — Fernie 5.0
30. Dr. D. A. Perley Elementary — Grand Forks 5.0
31. Hume Elementary School — Nelson 5.0
32. T M Roberts Elementary — Cranbrook 5.0
33. McKim Middle School — Kimberley 4.7
34. Rocky Mountain Elementary — Elkford 4.6
35. Pinewood Elementary — Cranbrook 4.3
36. Highlands Elementary — Cranbrook 4.0
37. South Nelson Elementary — Nelson 4.0
38. Rosemont Elementary School — Nelson 3.9
39. Amy Woodland Elementary — Cranbrook 3.8
40. Twin Rivers Elementary — Castlegar 3.1
41. Adam Robertson Elementary — Creston 2.9
42. Erickson Elementary — Erickson (Creston) 2.1
43. J V Humphries Elementary Secondary — Kaslo 2.1
44. Salmo Elementary School — Salmo 1.8
See the entire report card here: