Habitat for Humanity Family Partner announced

The Berry family get a ‘lift’ on an AJC Construction Bobcat excavator at the site of their future home. Parents David and Coreena Berry hold the Habitat for Humanity banner while children (left to right) Hanna, 11, Jordan, 8, Alysha, 10, and Samantha, 16 months, show off their hardhats.
On recommendation of the Cranbrook Project Family Partner selection committee, The Board of Directors for Habitat for Humanity West Kootenay has approved the Berry family as the successful applicants for the first Habitat for Humanity home to be built in Cranbrook.
The selection committee, comprised of Jill Johnston, Gord Harder and Stu Deeks, reviewed applications, interviewed and visited with five families in the past three months.
“It was a thorough and rigorous process,” commented Jill Johnston. “The three of us approached the task from divergent points of view and we all agreed on the final recommendation. We believe the application
process resulted in the selection of the best Family Partner for this project. The family were elated when we shared the news of the Board’s approval.”
Work on the Slaterville neighbourhood lot that was donated by the City of Cranbrook, began with Darrell Bohmer, owner of AJC Construction, doing some site preparation over the April 5th excavation and building will start in the near future according to Project Leader Gord Johnston.
For more information or to donate to the project, go to habitatwk.ca and click on Cranbrook weekend.