Gray Creek Store expands on its 100th Anniversary

The Gray Creek Store has opened their new spacious lumberyard and warehouse.
Never ones to sit on their laurels, Tom Lymbery and his family have recently taken a big step forward with the opening of their new spacious lumberyard and warehouse. The store has always sold smaller building supplies (everything from hammers to nails), plumbing parts and supplies but the new warehouse allows the Lymberys to expand into a full line of building materials, plumbing supplies and more.
This should be especially welcome to homeowners, builders and do-it-yourselfers busy on lake cabins and building projects along Kootenay Lake's east shore.
The aesthetically pleasing new warehouse is connected to the original three-storey timber-frame building which houses the retail side of the operation including a new coffee and smoothie bar.
"Product knowledge is one of the most important things today," Tom Lymbery recently told Kootenay Business magazine. "We're sending our employees out and we're bringing in reps from companies to give some our newest employees some training. That's very important. My son (Dave Lymbery) is excellent at finding the right workers — we have a very dedicated staff."
Be sure to stop by the Gray Creek Store this year as they celebrate their 100th anniversary — a true business milestone!